Christmas and New Year Closure

The Veterinary Surgeons Board of South Australia will be closed on Friday 22 December 2023, returning Monday 8 January 2024.

Lodging 2022 Annual Return and Renewing Registration for 2023

Information for veterinary surgeons about the online process to lodge annual returns for the year ending 31 December 2022 and renew registration for 2023 is available here. The deadline to lodge annual returns and renew registration is 30 December 2022. Frequently asked questions I don’t want to continue practising in 2023. Do I need to […]

Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons – Draft for Public Consultation

Give your feedback on the new Draft Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons. A revised Draft Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons has been prepared for review and feedback from the public and the profession. You will find the draft Code of Conduct here The basic principles of professional conduct for a veterinary […]

New Veterinary Services Bill to regulate veterinary practice in South Australia

Consumer protection laws to regulate veterinary services in South Australia are being reviewed and it is proposed that they soon will change. Changes already suggested for consideration include: Requiring that the Presiding Member of the Board be a registered veterinary surgeon, rather than a legal practitioner, as is currently the position Increasing the number of […]

Mr Geoffrey Hampton Warren permanently disqualified from registration as a veterinary surgeon

Mr Geoffrey Hampton Warren, formerly a veterinary surgeon practising in Jamestown and surrounding districts, has been permanently disqualified from practising as a veterinary surgeon. Mr Warren was disqualified by Order of the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) on 7 September 2022. SACAT Ordered as follows: 1.  There is proper course for disciplinary action […]

Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) seeking statutory advisory committee members

Would you like to contribute to the regulation of therapeutic goods in Australia? The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is seeking applications from experts in medicine, science, and consumer perspectives and issues, to fill upcoming vacancies across seven statutory advisory committees. Successful applicants will contribute significantly towards the TGA’s regulatory functions by providing independent expert advice […]

Have your say on the Draft Radiation Protection and Control Regulations 2022 and Codes of Compliance

The Environmental Protection Authority South Australia (EPA) is seeking feedback on Draft Radiation Protection and Control Regulations 2022 published under the Radiation Protection and Control Act 2021 and draft EPA Codes of Compliance. The EPA enables the use of radiation, while ensuring people and the environment are adequately protected. The EPA’s objectives are to facilitate the benefits […]

Correspondence Policy

We recommend using our postal address if your correspondence is sensitive and/or includes hard copy or confidential attachments (such as photos or documents). Please ensure you include a return postal address.

Our approach
When we perform our work, we aim to be fair, impartial, consistent, respectful, courteous.

How you can help us
To allow us to perform our work effectively and efficiently, we expect that you will familiarise yourself with our correspondence policy, give us accurate and complete information, treat us with respect and courtesy.

We aim to respond to correspondence, where required, within 20 working days of receipt.

Sometimes the matters raised in correspondence are complex and require detailed investigation in which case our response time will be longer.

There may be occasions where the issues you raise are outside our responsibilities. In this case we will refer you to the appropriate organisation or government department/agency. We encourage you to check to see if your issue is within our jurisdiction before you correspond with us. For example, if your enquiry relates to the ability of a veterinary surgeon to obtain, possess, prescribe or dispense Schedule 4 drugs, please direct your enquiry to the Office of the Chief Pharmacist: If your enquiry relates to the ability of a veterinary surgeon to obtain, possess, prescribe or dispense Schedule 8 drugs, please direct your enquiry to SA Health:

We do not provide legal advice or personal advisory services to members of the community, veterinary services providers or veterinary surgeons.

We will only respond to items where we are the primary recipient. We will not respond to correspondence where we have been included as a carbon copy.

We will delete unsolicited advertisements without response.

We will not respond to correspondence containing offensive language or content.

We will forward any correspondence containing threatening content or advocating illegal activities to South Australia Police.

Your correspondence, once received, will become an official record of the Veterinary Surgeons Board of South Australia.