Freedom of Information

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act) the VSBSA, as a government agency, is obliged to provide access to personal files and to provide copies of information contained in these files to the person concerned. In this context the relevant files are those containing information on initial application for registration as a veterinary surgeon, veterinary specialist or veterinary services provider.

There is an obligation to provide information in personal files and to provide copies of information contained in these files to the individual concerned on receipt of application for access. The Board is not obliged to provide access or copies of information relating to the investigation of complaints on normal request. However, it may be prepared to provide some access under certain circumstances, and will treat each request on its merits.

Requests for access to documents should be directed to the Registrar in writing and accompanied by the applicable application fee. Please note that processing charges may apply.

Information Statement – Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act)

The Veterinary Surgeons Board of South Australia (the VSBSA) consists of 8 members appointed by the Governor, of whom 6 are nominated by the Minister, one is nominated by the South Australian division of the Australian Veterinary Association Ltd, and one is nominated by Council of The University of Adelaide. Of the 6 Ministerial nominations, one is a legal practitioner, 4 are veterinary surgeons and 2 are lay persons.


  • To administer the Veterinary Practice Act 2003, and the Veterinary Practice Regulations 2017
  • To maintain the registers under the Veterinary Practice Act 2003 including the general and specialist registers
  • To regulate the provision of veterinary treatment for fee or reward in South Australia

Freedom of Information Officer

  • The Presiding Member is the Principal Officer of the VSBSA under the FOI Act. The Presiding Member has designated, pursuant to section 4 of the FOI Act, the Registrar as an Accredited FOI Officer for the VSBSA


  • Annual Report incorporating a statement of audited accounts

Registers and information maintained under the Veterinary Practice Act 2003

Contact Details
Requests for access to documents under the FOI Act should be directed to the Registrar in writing and accompanied by the applicable application fee. Please note that processing charges may apply.

Phone: (08) 8359 3334
Mail: GPO Box 11020, Adelaide, SA 5001

Correspondence Policy

We recommend using our postal address if your correspondence is sensitive and/or includes hard copy or confidential attachments (such as photos or documents). Please ensure you include a return postal address.

Our approach
When we perform our work, we aim to be fair, impartial, consistent, respectful, courteous.

How you can help us
To allow us to perform our work effectively and efficiently, we expect that you will familiarise yourself with our correspondence policy, give us accurate and complete information, treat us with respect and courtesy.

We aim to respond to correspondence, where required, within 20 working days of receipt.

Sometimes the matters raised in correspondence are complex and require detailed investigation in which case our response time will be longer.

There may be occasions where the issues you raise are outside our responsibilities. In this case we will refer you to the appropriate organisation or government department/agency. We encourage you to check to see if your issue is within our jurisdiction before you correspond with us. For example, if your enquiry relates to the ability of a veterinary surgeon to obtain, possess, prescribe or dispense Schedule 4 drugs, please direct your enquiry to the Office of the Chief Pharmacist: If your enquiry relates to the ability of a veterinary surgeon to obtain, possess, prescribe or dispense Schedule 8 drugs, please direct your enquiry to SA Health:

We do not provide legal advice or personal advisory services to members of the community, veterinary services providers or veterinary surgeons.

We will only respond to items where we are the primary recipient. We will not respond to correspondence where we have been included as a carbon copy.

We will delete unsolicited advertisements without response.

We will not respond to correspondence containing offensive language or content.

We will forward any correspondence containing threatening content or advocating illegal activities to South Australia Police.

Your correspondence, once received, will become an official record of the Veterinary Surgeons Board of South Australia.